What is Seedling Blog?

Seedling Blog was born from Fraction Design Studio's vision to create a community for sustainable businesses and those aspiring to adopt ESG initiatives. This led to the inception of the Sustainable Seedling Summit (SSS), an event designed to bring together business owners in the ESG realm for networking, education, and inspiration. The aim of SSS is to foster new partnerships and share knowledge to advance sustainability efforts.

The event is purposefully scheduled during the same week as Singapore’s National Day to celebrate collective achievements in ESG and The Green Plan, while setting new goals for a greener future.

Through Seedling Blog, we aim to raise awareness about various businesses passionate about sustainability by sharing their stories.

As this is our first year hosting SSS (2024), the event is exclusive to business owners. We hope that SSS will grow in the future to include consumers, broadening its impact and reach.


Sustainability Seedling Summit 2024
