
“Just put one small step forward”

Ching Hwee Tan, Founder of myhalo

What does myhalo do?

myhalo is a sustainability tech platform dedicated to achieving zero e-waste. They repair, buy, and sell second-hand devices, including phones, laptops, PCs, and are expanding to gaming consoles and more. Additionally, myhalo educates consumers on how to extend the lifespan and usage of these devices, promoting sustainable practices.

What is myhalo’s approach toward sustainability?

myhalo stands out by not selling screen protectors—instead, they provide them for free. The screen protector industry is highly unsustainable due to the combination of glass and plastic, which are difficult to biodegrade and recycle. Retailers often over-order screen protectors, leading to significant waste when new device models are released. Additionally, the packaging for screen protectors typically includes one-time-use pasting kits. myhalo addresses these issues by custom cutting screen protectors on the spot, reducing packaging waste and eliminating the risk of outdated, unused screen protectors ending up in landfills.

What was your journey in founding myhalo?

Ching Hwee founded a for-profit business in 2007, but lost 90% of his profits in a single day. This setback prompted a period of self-reflection, during which he asked himself, "What kind of business should I run?" This led to the creation of myhalo, a business with a purpose: to create a world with zero e-waste. Recognizing a gap in the e-waste industry, Ching Hwee leveraged his established network to restart and focus on sustainable practices. He hopes that this vision is adopted and continues with or without myhalo. 

Are you working on sustainable development outside of myhalo?

Ching Hwee actively participates in various associations to identify opportunities for impactful sustainable action. He aims to create sustainable communities and help SMEs adopt sustainable practices, bridging the gap between profitability and sustainability.

Why is sustainability important to you personally?

Ching Hwee grew up in a household where sustainable habits, like folding plastic bags, were second nature. This upbringing ingrained in him the importance of sustainability from a young age, making it a fundamental aspect of his values.

Last comments?

Ching Hwee believes that consumers can help build a greener future by taking small steps to change their habits. For instance, carrying a reusable bag can significantly reduce plastic bag usage. He emphasizes that many consumers are already doing something sustainable, and it's about spreading awareness and encouraging these habits among others. He concludes by saying, "It has to start somewhere." Ching Hwee enjoys planting and sowing seeds to nurture a greener future.


Ashley Mun Candles
